The Federated Rural Electric Trust, Jackson, recognized local organizations receiving $17,250 through Operation Round Up These donations occur due to monthly contributions by participating Federated members. These organizations received money in this 51st round of funding:

The Trust Board received 35 applications totaling $54,883 in this 51st round of funding. The Trust Board will meet again in the fall to determine the next round of funding. The deadline for submitting applications is September 30.
About 80 percent of Federated Rural Electric members participate in Operation Round Up. They allow their electric bills to be rounded up to the nearest dollar. For example, a bill of $55.75 is rounded up to $56. The extra cents go to a special trust fund, which is administered by an independent trust board that consists of seven Federated members. Since the first round of funding in 1995, more than $691,000 has been awarded to local organizations and as high school scholarships.
“Operation Round Up is a way for members to help members,” said Marlys Runge, Federated’s Trust Board Chairman. “Just a few cents a month, when added with other members’ cents, can really add up and do some good in our communities. On average, a member’s Round Up contributions amount to approximately $6 a year, which is tax-deductible.”
Federated is a Touchstone Energy cooperative serving 6,800 members in Jackson and Martin Counties.